Release Notes

Hello, Guest
  • Giraffe 1.24
    1. You are now able to Manual Sync Data without error messages
    2. You are now able to log in to staging environment without database exception errors
  • Giraffe 1.23

    New Features:

    • My Business:
    • You are able to see labels and data for 5* Performance
    • Each 5* Performance category is now represented by a score.


    • Assessment
    • Run Assessment is now disabled for Relief (Temporary) staff
    • Dormant Teacher are no more visible in Assessment 
  • Giraffe 1.20


    • My business
    • User is now able to Enter Negative Amount
    • Login
    • The List of ECD center will not be Auto Populated in dropdown 
  • Giraffe 1.21

    New Features:

    • My Business:
    • You are able to see labels and data for 5* Performance
    • Each 5* Performance category is now represented by a score.
  • Giraffe 1.18


    • My Business
    • Target Expenses now reflects in specific categories.
    • Correct amount is displayed for Target Salaries in View Performance screen .


    • Enrol learner
    • Age group field now displays age groups


    • My Business
    • When viewing monthly performance, amount recorded under Other category does not reflect in Subsidy
    • System has all letters of Learners in search criteria which allow it to search for their names.
    • Record Income is now calculated correctly taking into consideration; fees paid in advance


    • My Staff
    • Exited members of staff no longer appear in the Assess Teacher list.


    • Record Staff Attendance
    • Relief staff does not display on Teacher assessment screen 
    • Interns is now added as staff type while enrolling staff


    • Enrol Learner
    • Amount due is now calculated and displayed correctly