Release Notes

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  • Elephant 1.24
    1. Franchisee:
    2. You are now able to register, view and edit the franchisee’s last name
    3. You are now able to view the franchisee profile with actual values. Null value has been fixed
    4. You are now able to view the franchisee’s Country of Birth
    5. View Monthly Observations Screen has now been repaired
    6. You are now able to see registered franchisees they are no longer appearing as Null
    7. School:
    8. Order of Register School has been re-arranged
    9. You can select a franchisee from dropdown
    10. Capacity field is now visible if DSD Registration Status = Registered or Conditionally Registered or Application Submitted
    11. You are able to View Age Fee per group in View School Profile 
    12. Breakeven Fee is now displayed in View School Profile
    13. Staff:
    14. Exited staff can no longer log in to Meerkat 
    15. Dormant staff are no longer showing as Active 
    16. In View Staff, Next of Kin Email ID and Alternate Mobile Number are now visible 
    17. Learners
    18. You are able to upload learners without error messages
    19. Reports
    20. Reports with duplicate values have been fixed
    21. Templates
    22. Teacher Assessment Template has been fixed 
    23. The Current Stats dashboards is populated with Teachers with GROW App, Parents with GROW App, Teachers with WhatsApp in Percentage form 
    24. 5*. Teacher and Principal Qualification Score is showing the correct result 

  • Elephant 1.23

    New Features 

    • Canned Reports 
    • Missing fields have been added and arranged in the right order
    • You can now Download Reportico Report as CSV File 
    • Styling and alignment has been made proper in Reportico Model


    • View Franchisee
    • Missing fields have been added and arranged in the right order
    • Salary fields, Baseline Salary and Current Salary, are displayed before all the fee/loan fields
    • Fee/loan data are in the following order:
    • Upfront Fee
    • Monthly Franchise Fee Payment
    • Loan Value 
    • Monthly Loan Repayment
    • Repayment Amount.
    • Fee/Loan Status
    • Signed contract flag and a copy of the contract document are now next to each other
    • You can now see School Opening Hours
    • Franchise administrator is now able to view and edit all franchisee profile fields 

    • Franchisee Management System
    • Update Franchisee screen is now fixed
    • You are able to upload a SASSA card if you click on the "This home qualifies for a SASSA grant" flag.
    • Level is now label as Qualification Type 
    • Run Brand Ambassador Assessment screen has now been repaired
    • You can now Exist a franchisee
    • Dummy text has been replaced by actual Text
    • Page Layout and Setting
    • You are able to click on the Page Layout and Setting buttons and navigate to the respective page or screens
    • Manage School
    • You are able to edit your school profile.
    • Items in the dropdowns are now displayed.
    • Other Subsidy Eligibility field is aligned properly
    • Dummy text has been replaced by actual Text
    • Register Staff
    • You can now select one or more courses from the "Eligible for courses” list.

    • Manage Staff
    • Teacher evaluation is now submitted when you click on the Submit button after filling all required fields.
    • Training Modules Drop-Down list is now fully visible

    • Dummy text has been replaced by Actual Text 
    • Intern Role is now added to Staff Types
    • Search for staff functionality is now working 

    • Manage Templates
    • Duplicated Age group values are resolved in the age group drop down
    • Assessment Template has now been updated
    • Manage Staff, Register staff
    • Fields are now displayed in this order:
    • Next of Kin Name
    • Next of Kin Contact Number
    • Next of Kin Relationship to Staff Member
    • Register school
    • There is no more an error while registering franchisee
    • NPO Registration is now dependency on NPO Registration 
    • Register school and Register franchisee screens are been Separated now 
    • You can now upload School profile photo
    • Age Group drop down are now visible

    • Manage Learners
    • You can now upload Learners Profile
    • Calender
    • Others as category has been added 
    • List of Event type and Event Audience in Manage calendar has been added
    • Recruitment window has been added now
  • Elephant 1.21


    • View Franchisee
    • Missing fields have been added and arranged in the right order
    • Salary fields, Baseline Salary and Current Salary, are displayed before all the fee/loan fields
    • Fee/loan data are in the following order:
    • Upfront Fee
    • Monthly Franchisee Fee Payment
    • Loan Value 
    • Monthly Loan Repayment
    • Repayment Amount.
    • Fee/Loan Status
    • Signed contract flag and a copy of the contract document are now next to each other

    • Franchisee Management System
    • Update Franchisee screen is now fixed
    • You are able to upload a SASSA card if you click on the "This home qualifies for a SASSA grant" flag.

    • Page Layout and Setting
    • You are able to click on the Page Layout and Setting buttons and navigate to the respective page or screens
    • Manage School
    • You are able to edit your school profile.
    • Items in the dropdowns are now displayed.
    • Other Subsidy Eligibility field is aligned properly
    • Register Staff
    • You can now select one or more courses from the "Eligible for courses” list.

    • Manage Staff
    • Teacher evaluation is now submitted when you click on the Submit button after filling all required fields.

    • Manage Templates
    • Duplicated Age group values are resolved in the age group drop down
    • Manage Staff, Register staff
    • Fields are now displayed in this order:
    • Next of Kin Name
    • Next of Kin Contact Number
    • Next of Kin Relationship to Staff Member
    • Register school
    • There is no more an error while registering franchisee
  • Elephant 1.20


    • General
    • Error messages now have a consistent design across the application.

    • View Learner
    • All fields which were in Giraffe now map to the learner profile in Elephant.
    • View School
    • NPO Registration is a Yes or No field.
    1. Registration Date is removed.

    • Monitoring and evaluation
    • Assessment template has now been updated

    • Manager Staff
    • staff list is now displayed in the cohort

    • Staff attendance can be taken for training sessions

    • School Management
    • There is now highest level of education fields for primary and secondary caregiver

    • Manage school
    • You are able to save submitted results for any school check.
    • There is one Current Capacity field that is now removed.

    • Manage franchisee
    • You are able to edit all franchisee profile fields

    • Manage staff-Notifications
    • Principal is now notified about a newly registered staff member.

    • Manage Learner
    • Find button now lists of learners that meet my search criteria
    • You are able to upload a profile picture or logo for learner, franchisee and ECD centre

    • Manage School-Register school
    • Region field is now removed from Register School form
    • Level Field Values is now added to Register Franchisee
    1. Level is now renamed as Qualification

    • Attendance
    • Notification is now displayed when learner is marked absent at training sessions
  • Elephant 1.19


    • Manage school
    • ECD centre drop-down now displays values

    • Register School
    • Baseline Salary and Current Salary fields is now on the Franchisee tab

    • School Management
    • Dummy text have now been replaced with actual data on the Manage School (Run School Checks screen) and Manage Franchisee (Run Brand Ambassador Assessment screen)

    • Franchisor Management
    • Blank fields have been populated and pop-up error messages have been resolved.
    • Franchisees now belong to a cohort based on the year they start with GROW and their region
    • Teachers or interns now belong to a cohort based on the half-year or year they start with GROW and their region

    • Manage Franchisee
    • Search features have been fixed, you are able to search for franchise by Franchisee name.
    • Standard Rate School Fees is now display per age group

    • Training session
    • New training sessions are now saved after the Enter button is clicked.

    • Calendar
    • Other category have now been added to the calendar
    • List of events now display in Select Event and Audience dropdown.

    • Communication and resources
    • There is now a Recruitment window with a start and end date.

    • Franchisee page
    • Paid Upfront Fee is now a Yes or No flag. if Yes it accepts a numeric value

    • Manage Franchise
    • Reason of Absence is now listed in Manage franchisee when taking attendance
    • Cohort now displays details when a Franchisee meeting is selected.
  • Elephant 1.18


    • Manage Staff
    • You are now able to view member of staff when you search
    • The Finish button is now active and moves the screen to the next while Registering staff
    • You now get an error message when Duplicate entry is made.

    • Register School
    • Next button is now responsive in the Operations tab while registering School 
    • You are now notified when you register a school with an already existing Government ID

    • Manage school
    • School field ID is system generated and appears in the generate button field
    • Age group drop-down values display while creating new school
    • You now receive notification once staff member with same government id or passport exists

    • Reportico Model
    • Reportico is now built into the system for 'canned' and 'ad hoc' reporting
    • Boxes are properly aligned

    • Manage Franchisee
    • when there is no entry average fee now shows zero value
    • Regions column now show accurate information
    • User profile
    • You are now able to click on My Profile, Edit Profile and Settings menu links and navigate to respective screens