Who is Grow

The GROW App Suite is made up of mobile apps (Giraffe, Meerkat, Lion) and mobile-responsive websites (Nest, Elephant and Baobab).

Giraffe is for ECD owners, Meerkat for teachers and Lion for parents and other guardians. The Nest is a communications portal and online library. Elephant and Baobab are used by GROW staff.

In this GROW App Suite portal, you can access the GROW Privacy Policy, GROW Fair Use Policy, release notes for all GROW apps (so that you know what functionality is new, what has been fixed and what workarounds we have put in), FAQ etc

Grow App Suite

This section describes the GAS PORTAL (2021/02/01)

Visit the Grow App Suite

See who can login

Parents Teachers Principals Staff Administrators Business Mentors

Find the mobile Apps here

Products Showcase


OUR Educare Centres uses social-franchising to establish excellent, high-quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in developing communities that are also financially sustainable businesses.

Contact us

NPO number 161-786NPO | PBO number 930048936 | info@growecd.org.za | © 2021 Copyright

GAS version 2.12 MAY 2022